Monday, December 15, 2008

I always knew it.

Results of your
Attention Deficit Disorder Quiz

You scored a total of 33

You appear to experiencing some type of attention and concentration problems which are often common amongst the general population, but border on the possibility of being more severe. It is unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them. You should not take your responses to this self-report questionnaire as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort. Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

untitled from english at 8 AM

here's a little something i wrote very early in english.
let me know what you think

My eyes are so tired
when we're looking through the fire
I need your touch to survive

'Cause it's you, only you
when I rise with the sun

I'm so far away
yesterday's gone, I'm living today
and you're breath fills me up
and I drink from your cup
so why do I not feel alive?

Sometimes I walk the streets at night
when silence is all on my lips
I think I need you to survive
but I'm not sure it's right this time

'Cause it's you, only you
when I rise with the sun

I'm so far away
yesterday's gone, I'm living today
and you're breath fills me up
and I drink from your cup
so why do I not feel alive?

This time when the sun rises up
when the silence is gone
when I breath my first breath
and when I'm living alone
when time leaves its home
I dream I'll be living for you

'Cause it's you, only you
when I rise with the sun

I'm so far away
yesterday's gone, I'm living today
and you're breath fills me up
and I drink from your cup
so why do I not feel alive?
and why do I not feel alive
Jesus make me feel alive