Friday, February 05, 2010

This one doesn't want to admit the 80's is over and done.

Let's get down to business.

I'm not happy where I am. Haven't been for a while now. A few of the guys I live with just seem to get under my skin no matter what they do. Maybe that's my fault, being who I am and all. But then again, I feel like I'm not doing anything wrong.

I learned something useful today - how to tell if people are lying by looking at their eye movements. Without going all social psychology on you, I'll give you the basic rundown. Watch their eyes when you ask them a question. If they're lying, their eyes will either flick to the right or left (due to certain psychological factors I won't get into). It's quick and most of the time, it's done subconsciously. That's the best part about it - the other doesn't even know. I always loved the element of surprise.

I decided not to become an R.A. next year (that's Residence Advisor for all y'all). I figured that I wouldn't be able to handle a bunch of immature first-years. I know I can't say much, 'cause honestly, I'm probably not much better. So sue me. I live off campus, I can do what I want, not live under the five hundred page rule book of Redeemer, and just have some freedom and real independence. I'm pretty excited for it. The only thing though is to find somewhere to live. Hooray!

I've been struggling lately with something. Question. What am I passionate about? I honestly cannot come up with an answer good enough to feel justified. Who says I have to feel justified? Well, lately, everybody. But who fuckin' cares. Sorry, I'll keep it PG. I've wondered about sports, music, school, and an uncountable number of other things, and so far I've come up with one answer. Nothing. Troublesome, don't you think?

In spite of all of this though, I found something today that put a smile on my face. Some new music to listen to, and some old favourites to fall back on. My "sketchbook" also found its way off the shelf and under the furious movements of my Derwent Graphic 2B pencil. That's right, I went artsy on all your asses (all your being all of one or two people, if I'm lucky).

Lately, I've found that I don't have a lot of interest in other peoples lives, much less my own. I find this troubling, so I'm going to try and work on that. On the other hand, what's the point of being interested in other people's lives if you don't care much for that person anyways? Brings me back to my dorm of late. No cutting corners, I'm not having a very good time.

And that's being blunt about it.

P.s. To end on a more pleasant note, a song that's put a smile on my face:

All the Pretty Girls - fun.
