Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Like a twister in my mind

Here I am. Wow I haven't been here for almost a year. Let's see how this goes.
So I come back and I'm looking through some drafts of things never published, and nearly every time I start it with something along the lines of "It's been a while since I've been here" or a variant of sorts. And once again I've started this like that. But you know what, fuck it.

Recently I've had a desire to start writing more again. I know I've had this feeling before, as I've gone through swings of it, but this time I'm up-ing the dedication. Getting me some moleskin, bitches!

So here's the thing: some heavy shit has been going down lately and it's tough. Hearts have been broken and I'm caught up in the middle of it not knowing what to do. I don't know if anyone's gonna read this, but for the sake anonymity will remain. The just of it is that a friend of mine just got left by his fiance. He came to me a few weeks ago and said things weren't going well - she was having doubts and whatnot. Then she came down one day and basically said she didn't want them anymore. And hearts were broken.

What to do. The guy is dying inside, and I can tell. I'm dying for him. What bothers me the most is that stuff like this has been happening a lot more recently. Personally, I have no doubts, either about myself or her. But shit like this makes me wonder, what if? Hypothetically speaking, if something did happen, who knows what I'd do. That shit's too real for me.

Anyways, this isn't very long, and chances are no one will read it. Still feels nice to be back here. Line from a new Jack's Mannequin is sticking with me right now:

"It's funny how the words we never say/Can turn into the only thoughts we know"

That is all.

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